Sunday 7 October 2012

Pumpkin Fritters - a little taste of home

Mmmm just the mere thought of these make me hungry. Back home when there would be a buffet of cooked food you can expect these to make an appearance. I guess every family will have there own way of making these and what it comes down to in the end is that they are scrumptious. This recipe is very simple and easy to make. You can use butternut squash or pumpkin your choice, both taste good.


2 Cups of pumpkin (make sure that this is drained of as much liquid as possible)
3/4 + Cup of flour
Pinch salt
1tsp Cinnamon
2 tsp Granulated sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
Oil for the pan
Extra cinnamon and sugar mixed for serving.


1. Make sure that after you have cooked the pumpkin and mashed it up smooth, that you put it into a fine sif strainer and press down with the back of a spoon to press as much liquid out as possible.

2. Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

3. Add the 2 eggs and the pumpkin and mix very well. The mixture should not be runny it should be like crumpet batter. If for some reason it’s too dry add a little bit of milk and if it’s too wet add more flour.

4. Heat up a large frying pan with a little bit of oil and spoon in mixture .Keep pan on a medium heat. You will know it’s ready to turn because you will actually see that the sides are semi cooked, or you could just lift up and check, then flip over cook for a minute. Place on some kitchen paper and sprinkle with some cinnamon and sugar mixture.

You can have this with a meal or as is. Its very filling, im still greedy when it comes to these so I load up my plate but I only manage to eat 4.

All this talk of pumpkin and eating of it to is making me think ill need to make some pumpkin pie for Halloween...

Enjoy xoxo

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