Monday 9 September 2013

Milk Tart goodness!

Weather has definitely change , dramatically , and in my opinion not for the good . I love the heat , hot weathe is more my cup of tea but needles to say I'm need to get use to having more cold weather than hot .

When the weather hits "chilly" I crave the comfort foods . I love the traditional Milk Tart from South Africa . It is mainly milk and the mixture is very running when you pour it in the dish to bake but fear not it does set :)
It's such a light  guilty pleasure that , guilty or not , you could enjoy 2 slices in a row ( or even more LOL)
So here is my recipe for a Crust Less Milk Tart , it definitely is cheap to make witch is always helpful .

Ingredients :
4 eggs ( separated )
200g White Sugar
60g melted butter / Margarine
140g White All purpose flour
1tsp Baking Powder
Pinch of salt
1tsp Vanilla extract
1liter Milk ( low fat or skim also works )
And a mixture of sugar and Cinnamon ( like you would use on crepes )

What to do :
1.Preheat that oven of yours to 180C , this mixture is enough for 1 large tart or 2 smaller ones.Grease your dish/es .
2.Beat together the egg yolks , white sugar and melted margarine .
3.Add to this the flour , baking powder and the salt and mix well .
4.In a seperate bowl beat the egg white till they form a stiff peak .
5. With a large metal spoon fold in one spoon of the egg white into the egg yolk mixture at a time . Keep doing this till its all mixed in .
6. Mix the vanilla with the milk and slowly add this to the egg mixture . Now pour this into the baking dish/es.
7. Bake for 40-50 min , the middle should still be "giggly " . If your baking one large dish I would suggest baking it for 15 min longer .
8.When you remove it from the oven sprinkle it with the cinnamon mixture and allow to cool to room temp . I then put it in the fridge personally for about a hour .
You can serve this hot , cold or room temp . I like mine warmed up a bit .

Happy Baking xoxo

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