Wednesday 12 September 2012

BAKING TIP #1 -Why should we bother to cream the butter and sugar?

I am sure you have at some or other point, in your baking life, come across a recipe asking you to first cream the butter and the sugar together. I don’t know about you but some times im in the mood for a "throw it all in one bowl" sorta recipe and I'm not in the mood for all the work it takes to cream the butter and sugar. The creaming the butter and sugar together is actually very important to a recipe, when it asks for the butter to be creamed don’t ignore this and decide to just throw it all in a bowl and hope for the best .

Creaming the butter and sugar together puts air bubbles into the mixture; it also helps in the dissolving of the sugar during the baking process. The creaming also helps it rise as well. If you were to take a recipe that asks for creaming of the butter and sugar and just put all of the ingredients in one bowl and mix it all together, you will most likely end up with a texture that is dense and flat.

How to cream the Butter and sugar:

The butter or margarine should not be straight of the fridge nor should it be at room temperature. Take out the amount of butter needed about 1hr before you will start baking. Cut it into blocks.

Then soften the butter first, you can use a wooden spoon or a standing mixer using the paddle attachment.

Now you can start adding the sugar, little bits at a time, creaming well after each time you have added sugar.

Once you have added all the sugar carry on creaming the mixture.

What you are looking for is a mixture that is lighter in colour as well as lighter in texture.

It is allot easier using a standing mixer ,especially if you have allot to bake, but I do sometimes believe that the "old school" way of creaming is the best way , and I can thank my Mum for that , she taught me and showed me just what a big difference it can make.

So roll up the sleeves and work that elbow grease and get baking xoxo

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