Saturday 15 September 2012

Peanut Butter Chicken Tandori Curry

Being a newly married couple we have had to get use to cooking our own meals. I decided to make my own version of a curry with peanut butter. The first time I made it I can honestly say it wasn’t great so I adjusted the recipe ,tweaked it here and there and tried again....success :) I now think I have my very own signature dish. I make this often and I just can’t get enough of it . So give it a go!


3 boneless & skin less chicken breast chopped into blocks
60ml Olive oil
10ml Tandori Spice ( mine isn’t very strong so adjust to your taste)
1 Red bell pepper
1 Onion
2 Cloves of garlic
1 1/2 tsp Smooth Peanut Butter
1 chicken stock cube ( dissolved in 400ml water)

Suggestions: I served my dish with steamed carrots and peas, and some Jasmine rice.


1. Marinade the chicken . Get a zip lock bag or a medium size bowl. Put in the chopped up chicken,Olive,pinch or 2 of salt, Pepper to taste,Tandori spice and chopped up garlic. Massage it all into the chicken and marinade for 12 hours.

2.Now that the chicken is marinated take it out the fridge and set it aside while you sauté the onions in some olive oil in a pan.

3. Add the Red Bell peppers and fry with the onions for a few seconds.

4.Remove the onions and bell peppers and place in a bowl to the side for now.

5.Add the chicken to the pan ,marinade and all and brown the chicken .

6. Now add the onions and bell peppers bake into the pan with the chicken.

7.Add the chicken stock just enough to cover the chicken slightly , you probably wont need all of the chicken stock but use your own judgement as well.

8.Turn the pan down and allow it to simmer for 10min. Add now the peanut butter and mix in till it melts(this will also thicken the sauce).

9.Alow this to simmer for a further 10min or until the sauce has thickened a bit (it should now be watery)

10. Remove from the stove and serve with rice and steamed vegetables.

Enjoy xoxo

Happy cooking xoxo

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