Thursday 20 September 2012

Strawberry Vanilla Muffins

I spent the morning before work at the market in Birmingham, and I was amazed at great fresh produce that they have there, from the eggs, cheese down to the fresh juicy strawberries. I left there with 3 bags full of fresh fruit:) I bought these lovely juicy strawberries and it got me thinking what I could make with them (besides just eating them straight from the box hehe).

So after much thought I settled on muffins, after a busy long day at work I wanted something quick,non complicated and simple and these even though they simple they are just delicious.

This recipe is great to use to add a few other ingredients, blue berries, canned apples,pineapple,chocolate chips, white chocolate chips etc ,and then depending what you decide to add you can add a few extra flavour to it as well e.g.: lemon zest, orange zest,cinnomon well the options are endless. I haven’t tried turning these into chocolate muffins to be honest but I wouldn’t I would rather use one of my other old time favourite chocolate muffin recipes(stay tuned for that soon).

So here you go enjoy.


2 Cups of all purpose flour

1 Cup Granulated white sugar

12,5ml Baking powder

pinch of salt

10ml Vanilla Extract

60ml Oil or melted butter(I used oil)

1 Cup of milk (I used skimmed milk)

1/2 Cup of chopped fresh strawberries (I had about 4 pieces per muffin)

1 Large egg


Pre heat oven to 200C

1. Sift all the dry ingredients (flour,salt,sugar,baking powder).
2.In a separate bowl or measuring jug, beat the egg and mixing the rest of the wet ingredients.
3.Add the wet ingredients, you just mixed , with the dry ingredients, mix until just combined.
4.Now add your chopped strawberries. You can add more or even less strawberries if you like.

5.Line muffin pans with muffin cups or small cup cake cups(I used the small cup cake cups) and scoop mixture into them about 3/4 full.
6.Bake at 200C for 15-20min

7.Allow them to cool in the muffin pans for 10min before moving them to a wire cooling rack.

I think a good combination with the strawberry muffins would be a bit of lemon zest about half a lemons zest or otherwise for a bit of warth and a bit of aroma I would also add 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. If you’re feeling a bit indulgent why not add some white chocolate chips to the strawberry muffins :)

If you were to add choc chips, use your judgement as too how much you would like but I would start with 1/2 a cup no more than a cup .

Well happy baking and enjoy these xoxo

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