Friday 14 September 2012

Banana Bread!

I guess being in a new country so far away from home has me home sick and what better way to cure a bit of that than with a taste of home. Here I sit with a cup of "Rooiboss" tea, you might know it as "Red Bush Tea" and what do I have baking in the oven? BANANA BREAD :)

I decided to bake 1 small loaf and with the left over batter I will make small banana muffins (great to just put in your bag for a quick snack or for lunch). This recipe is one of the "cream the sugar and butter together" kind, so if you remember my post about the importance of this step, do not skip on this.

So with out further a due here is my Banana Bread recipe, use it to either make a loaf or muffins with this.


125ml (1/2 Cup) Butter

1 Cup Sugar (Light brown or white)

2 Large Eggs

2 Cups Flour

2 tsp Baking Powder

4-6 Banana's (Mashed)

2,5ml Vanilla Extract

Pinch of salt

2,5ml Cinnamon (optional)


1. Heat oven to 180C.Cream together the butter and sugar, until light and fluffy.

2. Add the eggs one at a time, beat well after each one.

3. Add the vanilla.

4. Sift in the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon (optional) and mix.

5. Now add and mix in the mashed up bananas.(I cut them up befor I mash them it makes the mashing easier)

6. Put mixture into a small/medium size loaf pan or divide into muffin pans.

7. Loaf -bake for about 1hr (check loaf at 50min as ovens vary)

8. Muffins - 20-25min depending on size of muffins.

9. Remove from oven when tester comes out clean. Cool and enjoy.

I hope you enjoy this just as much as I always do. I love to enjoy mine still warm out the oven with some butter or margarine.

They are so soft and just lushes in there banana goodness..... yum

Happy baking xoxo

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