Tuesday 11 September 2012

Chai Cocoa Short Bread Cookies

If you have ever tried a Chia Tea Latte or a simple cup of Chia tea then you will love these. I got inspired to make these as the weather here in the UK is getting cooler. If
I could add the smell that’s coming out of the oven right now I would, I can’t wait for them to come out the oven so I can devour each and every single one of these happy cookies. Okay okay maybe I won’t eat them all.... ill share a few ;)

Chia tea if you don’t know of it yet, is a spiced tea. It’s a combination of spices like spicy cinnamon, nutmeg. It’s a milky aromatic tea from India and its proper name is masala chai, Chia means tea so we are actually saying Tea Tea, BUT who cares its so delicious and so aromatic, it’s a great "pick me up"

So go a head try these out and let me know if you love them just as much as i do .


1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Icing sugar
1/4 Cup Cocoa Powder
4 tbs(60ml) Chia Tea Latte Powder
120g Unsalted softened Butter
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract


1.Combine the flour,icing sugar,Chia powder and cocoa.
2.Add the butter and vanilla.
3. Pulse until its combined and the mixture forms a ball , IF you dont have a standing mixer you can always use your hand to combine it all. It makes no difference in the texture. I will take a while to combine with your hands just keep at it and I know you will think the mixture is too dry and its never going to combine BUT DONT ADD ANY THING ELSE TO IT, it will combine.
4.Gather the dough together and place on a sheet of plastic wrap and shape into a log form(see my picture below).
5.Place it now in the fridge for about 15 min.
6.Pre heat oven to 300F or 150C.
7.Un wrap the dough from the cling wrap and cut slices with a sharp knife. About 4mm thick. Place them on a non stick baking sheet or on a baking sheet linned with baking paper.(I get about 24 cookies out of this dough)

8.Bake for 15-20 min (oven vary so check them at 15min) they should be a semi-firm to the touch.
9.Put cookies on a wire rack and cool them.

They great for when you have the family coming over for some tea or coffee , or for when the winter blues is getting you ,make a cuppa and have a few of these happy bites.

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