Wednesday 12 September 2012

BAKING TIP #2 - Ingredients

You have your recipe ready and your ready to get started but have you made sure that:

Eggs, are they at room temperature? It’s a very important thing to remember. Take your eggs out of the fridge about 1-2 hours before baking. When baking with eggs you are creating an emulsion and for the emulsion to remain "stable" the egg needs to be at room temperature. You could end up with a very flat or crumbly type of texture.


Are you baking with Vanilla essence or Vanilla Extract? Vanilla essence is NOT REAL VANILLA! The way I feel about vanilla is that if you don’t have vanilla extract and your about to use the essence STOP just don’t even bother adding it at all. If you have never used the Vanilla extract, do your self a favour go out today and get some Vanilla extract or Vanilla Paste. You will taste a major difference in your baking, and you will never ever use vanilla essence ever again .Nothing beats the real thing.

Cream, is your cream cold and is the bowl you going to beat it in cold bowl as well? For the best results when beating cream make sure that your cream is straight from the fridge. If you are able to put the bowl, that you will be using to beat the cream in , in the fridege then do so for about and hour.

Be for your start baking make sure you have read through the recipe ,check that you have ALL the ingredients and last but not least take out all the ingredients you will be using.

Remember that baking should be fun , so dont get stressed if you make mistakes or your cake flops or your cookies are hard as rocks ,we all had to start some where. So pick up that wisk and get in that kitchen and have FUN! :) xoxo

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